Monday, August 9, 2010

Taylor's Leo Club Joint Installation

Taylor's College Leo Club 
Joint Installation was held success fully on 
31st July 2010
Installation Day

BOD of Lakeside Campus
attended this event
Lakeside and Main Campus
Group Photo =)
An successful event tho small group.
Am pleased and thankful for those who put in so much effort
in this event, especially the Leo Subang Campus and also Lion Christopher.
On behalf of Lakeside, would like to say THANK YOU 
to the community and also people who put in 
so much effort in it.
Leo Spirit

Welcome to Leo Club of Taylors Lakeside Campus

Welcome to the blog of Leo Taylors Lakeside Campus. Taylor’s College staffs and students had played and hosted many outstanding clubs and organizations in many other fields before.  To continue this great trend of excellence, we would like to present and introduce you to our very own Leo Club, which is the not a new club and it shows concerns for the community at large, by doing all the charities, fund raising and create all the events, to help needy organizations. Besides that, it is a very well known international club under Lion Club sponsor. And the most important of all is WE SERVE!